The tendency to rush a viewing and miss vital clues to a property's condition before submitting an offer is not restricted to urban buyers.
Almost immediately I saw that the clever Sche-herezade had missed crucial clues.
However, investigators had missed several clues that Salerno wasn't the real boss before then.
But lacking the reader's inside knowledge about Zoe, he misses obvious clues and looks an awful dope.
He felt a tensed alarm, the fear that he was missing vital clues.
Tape recordings missed visual clues, and even videos couldn't pick up between-the-lines stuff.
Often workers followed the rules, but missed important clues to a family's serious problems, the report says.
While this provides a rapid method of travel, it can also cause players to miss important items and clues.
Maybe that certainty caused you to miss other clues.
He gave advice that saved lives, and sometimes, he missed clues that cost lives.