"Some of the players felt it would improve our eyesight if we went to the burlesque show at the hotel even though we might miss curfew," he said.
Scott declined to comment to the media about why he had missed curfew, and Friedgen said only that Scott had tried to "help somebody and got put in a bad situation."
You cut some slack when your kid misses curfew or puts a ding in your car.
Manager Joe Torre basically declined comment, saying only, "What did he do, miss curfew?"
He missed curfew, went on an unapproved out of town trip, and skipped a mandatory drug counseling session.
A resident who missed curfew, for example, would face consequences, like losing a weekend pass or being required to meet twice a week with a therapist.
When your son misses curfew - again - the time-out corner that used to work wonders is now simply, lame.
The Baltimore Sun reported that McAlister, who was designated the Ravens' franchise player in February, missed curfew Thursday and skipped Friday's team meeting.
But before Alex could keep his appointment, a crisis intervened: the Green Chimneys counselors threatened to toss him out after he missed curfew several days in a row.
When she finally found fuel, in Biloxi, she couldn't wait - the line was too long, and she feared she would miss curfew here.