Twenty Chinese students were reported missing following the quake.
Twenty one of her crew of 56 were reported to be missing following the incident.
However, tragedy struck when a young fan went missing following the Friday show.
Alaa Abdelnaby, a power forward who would usually be in the rotation, will miss at least two months following back surgery.
Tom Johnston was forced to miss several shows in the summer and fall of 2007 following a surgery for throat ailment.
Meanwhile, police confirmed that 7,320 people are dead with 11,370 officially listed as missing following the disaster.
Later news reports stated that up to 18 people were missing following further landslides.
A small number of coalition soldiers went missing in action in Iraq immediately following the 2003 invasion.
Abram missed 28 total games of the 2004-05 season following surgery to left shoulder on December 16, 2004.
He also learns that the families were all drugged before being killed; and that a child from each family went missing following every murder.