On 3 August he shot down a balloon booby-trapped with explosives that when detonated from the ground narrowly missed killing him.
The javelin also raked Hurley's left thigh, but missed killing him by millimeters.
Because if he missed killing you, and you went after him, you would be easy meat.
And after that, wherever you go it must be far away because, as Father said, he missed killing him this time, but he won't the next.
She missed killing my brothers and they knew it.
It seemed likely that if somehow the climate missed killing you, the wildlife would cheerfully oblige.
They missed killing him, and they failed to trace him or to figure out that crazy ruse.
She did what she set out to do and narrowly missed killing me.
The explosion destroyed the church, killed all the prisoners held there and narrowly missed killing General Fairfax.
The knife just missed killing him that night in Istanbul, but the fall crippled him.