The records which are available are often missing critical pages, and the very authenticity of some of the official documents is questioned.
(The first few times she said it I thought she was referring to a Kama Sutra position that we had missed, pages stuck together perhaps, but it turned out such was not the case.)
"Looking at microfilm is a pain, and often the filmed version misses issues or pages or is illegible," he said.
In the back of a cupboard I discovered a mildewed cookbook missing its cover and first few pages.
The Vercelli manuscript seems to be missing several pages and, as a result, The Blessed Soul's address breaks off at line 166 with the word 'þisses'.
Published two weeks after the best-selling English-language version, the fake was missing several pages of crucial action and was also marred by significant mistranslations, like "immortal" instead of "mortal."
However, the books are missing several pages, so the sons' messages are at first unclear, and riddled with static.
It has 265 leaves measuring about 252 x 196 mm, and is not entirely complete, missing pages with miniatures in particular.
This search will miss pages that refer to Water Distribution System.