When the bison straggled over the land bridge into America he encountered a huge misshapen creature that was in many ways the opposite of himself.
Black, misshapen creatures lurched into view, things that were unrecognizable, monsters from his worst nightmare.
At last he sat down again, put his elbows on the desk and gazed with concentrated attention on the misshapen creature before him.
Moments after this a misshapen creature appears at the window and is shot by Billy the Kid.
Ria stared down at the squat, misshapen creature in speechless shock.
Far to the left shadows were merging, huge, misshapen creatures lumbering towards the light.
But, he now realized, the creature had been nothing at all like the misshapen but essentially human creature in that old movie.
He could imagine strange creatures, huge and misshapen, writhing along the icy horizon.
The only picture still hanging on the wall was one of several misshapen creatures, probably trolls, lurking under a bridge.
Then from the woods poured forth a host of creatures, all twisted and misshapen, in soul if not in form.