A second missile salvo launched.
We're already planning to use the parasite pods to thicken up our missile salvos.
Information warfare experts elsewhere will trigger prearranged virus attacks, just as you ripple your missile salvos, Captain.
Whether we get to launch our missile salvos soon enough.
Stand by to launch another missile salvo on my command.
The fighters turned their attention to the supporting ships, who had been targeted with fewer missile salvos.
Four aircraft on one missile salvo.
If the first missile salvo does not succeed, we need to know it immediately, and you'll have to fire more missiles now.
The team surgically make their way through the tight corridors, programming the sub's missile salvo to wipe out the invading Russian forces on the shore.
As zero flashed up, all five targets exploded together; at the same instant all traces of the attacking missile salvo were lost.