The missile roared off the launching pad and soared to about 10,000 feet before its engines failed.
By sheer good fortune, the missile soared almost straight and exploded while it was in plain view of the entire crowd.
The missiles soared into the air, then curved back, their movement perfectly synchronized.
The hooked missile soared aloft, the rope snaking after it as the loose coils flicked rapidly from Grant's left hand.
Their despair turns into cheer when the missile soars back into the skies and plunges far away into the Bay of Bengal, thus not harming anyone.
In early 1945 such a missile soared below clouds over Tilburg to gently alight eastwards of the city in open fields.
The missile soared through the port door of the pilothouse and out the starboard window before impacting with the water fifty yards abeam and exploding.
Another missile, a living missile, six hundred pounds of sleek and muscled panther, soared from the Sea Sprite as she crossed by and caught the caravel's beam.
From the roof of the peel soared a missile that was surely fated to fall into the sea.
The first missile soared between the two jets; the second split Captain O'Grady's plane in two.