Note that a missing value is not the same as either a numeric value of zero, or a string value of zero length.
In mathematics, matrix completion is the process of adding entries to a matrix which has some unknown or missing values.
Bad or missing values are handled gracefully.
The full cell is used to over-type and strike out errors; it may also indicate a missing value in a table.
The second option is to estimate the missing value on the basis of other profiles and insert it into the vector.
By far, the most common means of dealing with missing data is listwise deletion, which is when all cases with a missing value are deleted.
The process is repeated for the next cell with a missing value until all missing values have been imputed.
Often, information in the trading statement is left out and it is up to the bookkeeper to determine the missing value.
There were no missing values and the data were standardized as described below.
Prediction of a missing value based on some procedure, using a mathematical model in combination with available information.