Lacking hard evidence that the 57-year-old president of Exxon International was actually kidnapped, the authorities continued to list his disappearance as a missing-person case.
Two days was pretty standard in missing-person cases.
Mr. Condit, who is married, has been interviewed by police three times in the investigation, which is still classified as a missing-person case.
And although I've never taken on a murder case, as Taylor does, missing-person cases are our bread and butter.
First thing you need in a missing-person case is a picture.
It didn't seem like a good way to run a murder investigation, or a missing-person case.
The police had been investigating his disappearance as a missing-person case.
But a certain resignation comes with this city's unhappy experience in recent years with high-profile missing-person cases.
Three years later, it remains a missing-person case, with the investigation into the fate of Mrs. Henriquez hitting a series of dead ends.
I'd never handled a missing-person case in my life.