The Anglican missionaries also sought possible ways for the church to be integrated into Korean culture.
Jesuit missionaries to China had sought, and for a short time, received permission to translate the Roman Missal into scholarly Classical Chinese.
The missionaries sought to raise money by selling copies of the Bengali Bible for 2 gold mohurs each to the Englishmen in Calcutta.
In their efforts the missionaries sought to convert the inhabitants to Christianity and to persuade them to settle in missionary supervised new villages.
During the first year in Calcutta, the missionaries sought means to support themselves and a place to establish their mission.
Following government policy, Franciscan missionaries sought to make life within mission communities closely resemble that of Spanish villages and Spanish culture.
Orthodox leaders fear that Catholic missionaries seek to proselytize in their territory.
During the Frontier War of 1846 to1847, these stations were abandoned and the missionaries sought safety in the neighbouring British colony of Natal.
In the late 10th century missionaries from the continent sought to spread Catholicism among the population.
Christian missionaries sought to convert Aboriginal people.