However, these anachronistic "human" footprints have been determined to be mistaken interpretation.
"An arbitration award will not be vacated for a mistaken interpretation of law" per Bernhardt, he wrote.
But the Democratic plaintiffs in Seminole and Martin are asserting a different principle based on a mistaken interpretation of election law.
He says once that if the analyst does offer a mistaken interpretation, it's hardly the end of the world: the patient will simply forget about it.
Currently, a very mistaken interpretation holds that any Muslim is a terrorist.
Intel contended the suit was "based upon a mistaken interpretation of the law and the facts."
Jeffrey's mistaken interpretation of the red signal SP71 would no longer be possible.
In some speeches I heard a plainly mistaken interpretation of the Court of Justice ruling, which in fact made the agreement an issue.
Restricting the concept of inter-generational solidarity to just childcare is a mistaken interpretation.