Only eighteen months into his first term, Barrett was caught in an ethics scandal after mistakenly allowing pornography to be shown to high school children during a presentation.
Occasionally a copy editor may mistakenly allow an article to be published with a stray TK intact, which is a source for much embarrassment and ridicule in the news room.
At the same time, some counties mistakenly allowed actual felons to vote or turned away legitimate voters as suspected felons.
I.e. the programmer may mistakenly allow uncontrolled access to thread-global variables, and the compiler will not detect it.
In a game against Missouri on October 6, referees mistakenly allowed an extra down on which Colorado scored the winning touchdown as time expired.
Clinton does not want his grab for "executive privilege" to be seen, and judges are mistakenly allowing him to cloak his usurpation of power under the umbrella of "grand jury secrecy."
In "Such Sweet Sorrow," Malucci mistakenly allows Abby Lockhart to discharge a female patient without examining her personally.
This type of confound occurs when the researcher mistakenly allows another variable to change along with the manipulated independent variable.
I also mistakenly allowed him to become imprinted on me - I was his mother - and he grew up so tame he could never be released into the wild.
Unfortunately, Funaki mistakenly allowed himself to get too far from the ropes and was forced to tap out.