He left the room, and the house, in a body most would have mistakenly called human.
He never became a physician, as many mistakenly call him.
You have mistakenly called it contrast, looked upon its social lessons, and then turned away.
Referring to the number of its students, the newspaper mistakenly called it the largest university in the world.
There are few things that annoy me more than being mistakenly called English.
Greenwood is often mistakenly called a private school since it does have tuition.
Sometimes mistakenly called F.3, but it carried no weapons.
I go weeks without hearing a foreign language, or even an accent; no one would mistakenly call my corner of the world "cosmopolitan."
I live in what they mistakenly call "the sticks."
The entire network is commonly but mistakenly called "the catacombs".