It is possible that the finisher has mistakenly counted Rastignac's previous position as Under-Secretary of State as his first ministry.
That brought the total number of storm victims to 40, because Missouri officials said today that they had mistakenly counted one victim twice.
According to county officials, one clerk had mistakenly not counted some 1,100 absentee ballots on election night, while another clerk had counted about 400 ballots twice.
In 2003, South Africa were one of the favourites but were eliminated by one run in the group stages after they had mistakenly counted the number of runs they needed.
However, city officials said the pandits were mistakenly counted as county residents rather than part of the city's population and asked for a correction from the U.S. Census Bureau.
The captives included 162 "mixed-bloods" (mixed-race, some likely descendants of Dakota women who were mistakenly counted as captives) and 107 whites, mostly women and children.
Denialists assert that these were mistakenly counted as the victims killed by the Japanese military.
King County election officials said recently that 348 provisional ballots were mistakenly counted, more than double Ms. Gregoire's statewide margin of victory.
But the campaign mistakenly counted most of the donors as new, Mr. Rollins said, and overestimated that the event would net $200,000 to $300,000.
But the right way to determine the winner in Florida is to complete the manual counting to be certain any ballots that were mistakenly not counted or miscounted by machine are properly tallied.