It is sometimes mistakenly labeled as a Philodendron in plant stores.
It is repeatedly found that attractive faces are more likely to be mistakenly labeled as familiar.
The Semnani language is often mistakenly labeled as a "dialect".
Quotes like these have caused some critics to mistakenly label the film as nihilistic.
The release was originally meant to be a double A-side, and it is often mistakenly labeled as such.
The latter version has also been noted to be mistakenly labelled anamorphic.
Because of this arrangement, the album is often mistakenly labeled as a concept album.
True, more blacks than whites were mistakenly labeled felons and thus ineligible to vote.
Track 11 is mistakenly labeled as the V1 Edit.
His approach is often mistakenly labelled "the reflection principle" by modern authors but in fact uses a permutation.