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At one time daily misting was recommended for these plants.
There came a misting, a change on that surface.
"I did but walk among them and the misting of their finished breath has done this to me.
Repeat the misting 2 more times at 1-minute intervals.
The rain had begun again, no more than a fine misting that coated his windshield.
This misting of America, however, is being viewed with decidedly dark suspicions by consumer organizations.
It needs regular misting, though, especially during winter.
She blinked a sudden and totally illogical misting of tears from her eyes.
A terrarium with a screen top and daily misting achieves that balance.
A light misting of water can help.
The air now smelled musty and very dry, as if filled with a thin misting of dust.
The rain had faded away to a fine misting, but it was almost completely dark and the wind had risen.
This was more like the easy misting of a good, soaking rain, permeating the thirsting earth.
Even fine misting is not recommended.
She was highly sensitive to alcohol, and a warm blush, a light misting of sweat, broke'out over her body.
A small water bowl is necessary, however they prefer drinking water droplets from regular misting (every second day).
At one time, daily misting was recommended, but it was soon learned that the regimen invited mildew.
Above the stones also there was a misting, as if something there bewildered or hindered clear sight.
A shallow water bowl should be provided, and misting of the tank is recommended if the tank becomes dry.
Because of his misting and blood-stained faceplate, he had not spotted the tiny mechanic's mirror that watched him.
It had a faint misting that was proof of dozens of dust storhis met and weathered.
He was over by a small table in one corner, opening two conical bottles each of which wore a misting of condensation.
Most of them will be cleaned with a light misting of water that will eventually dissolve the gypsum crust.
It squinted against the night and the fine misting of rain, spotted its destination, and lurched determinedly forward.
The water was hot enough to cause a misting, so there wasn't that much to see but bodies, green, grey, and other shades of pale, moving through it.