While he was doing this, his mistress came by again.
Margery often thought, when the mistress came to the kitchen to give her orders and across the table their eyes met.
We were shown into a small salon, and presently the mistress of the house came to us there.
But before she could read it a mistress came along.
But she went up the stairs, and returned in haste to tell us that her young mistress was coming down.
The mistress, one of the more conventional lamps in her hand, had come forward to look too.
You have to go now before the mistress comes back.
"How did mistress come to arrive here, if I may ask?"
Seven, counted for me every time the mistress came to give me another, just the way she had done that morning.
The mistress always came at different times, never when I was expecting her, and seemed to find so much pleasure in punishing me.