(20) Countries such as Japan, Germany, and Australia have developed various best practices, codes of conduct, and mitigation techniques to help consumers.
"The ultimate goal would be to make the fishery ecologically inert, with no bycatch problem," using various mitigation techniques, Dr. Gales said.
We can always build later once we know whether or not mitigation (fake wetlands) techniques work, but we can never restore the open space lost if it is developed now.
Structural versus non-structural mitigation techniques have been a main focus for planners towards coastal hazards.
If the project site becomes nonetheless polluted, mitigation techniques such as acid mine drainage (AMD) need to be performed.
The purpose behind this field of research is to attempt to advance and communicate knowledge on mitigation techniques and procedures and disaster preparedness, response, and recovery.
Instead of separating the code from the data another mitigation technique is to introduce randomization to the memory space of the executing program.
She said scientists are researching mitigation techniques, but none have proved effective on a bloom that can cover 5,000 square miles of the Gulf of Mexico.
It incorporated signal fade mitigation techniques and other solutions to combat short term signal loss.
Because of this, adequate precautions and mitigation techniques need to be taken with indoor air quality in hospitals dealing with infectious diseases.