Soon afterwards, on March 23, 2007, Dragana committed suicide from mixing alcohol and drugs.
Then it's on to a party room where a young woman (all the characters are volunteer actors) mixes heavy drugs and alcohol and dies.
What had she been thinking, mixing drugs and alcohol like that?
On his release three months later, instead of abiding by the doctor's orders not to mix drugs and alcohol, he continued to drink steadily.
However, he'd never tried mixing telepathy and drugs before, and would have preferred his first time to be under safer conditions.
(Always check with your pharmacist or doctor before mixing drugs!)
Unkind experience warned her against mixing drugs and courtesans.
Some people, especially the young, who are prone to mixing drugs, take heroin to bring them down from cocaine highs.
Not until you mix drugs into the equation.
It is clear that to mix pleasure and drugs is dangerous.