Principals have mixed opinions, too.
Banking analysts had mixed opinions yesterday over whether Barnett overpaid for First Florida.
Janice Brewer, a French teacher, said the faculty has mixed opinions.
Palestinian-American children have mixed opinions about living here or in the United States.
Concerning panhandling, he had mixed opinions of both those who give and those who receive.
Avoiding gossip and the sensational, Mr. Workman mixes the comments of friends and associates, as well as opinions of critics, into a "witty and enterprising documentary" (Maslin).
Voters have mixed opinions on the effect of television coverage on court decisions.
The United States Navy had mixed opinions of the conning tower, pointing out that its weight, high above the ship's center of gravity, did not contribute directly to fighting ability.
The world's major religions have mixed opinions on the death penalty, depending on the sect, the individual believer, and the time period.
The roommates had mixed opinions as to who exhibited the greatest sexual prowess in the house, and were puzzled regarding Zach's and Ashley's decision to remain abstinent.