The colorful Solange Knowles, younger sister of pop superstar Beyonce, is known for taking style risks including shaving her head, donning afro wigs and mixing prints and colors.
His penchant for mixing intense prints in one minute outfit owes something to the Lacroix phenomenon, as well as to the Pucci revival.
Mixing Prints Wasn't Romanticism in 1969 "In 1969, I started mixing prints, but it wasn't romanticism for me," he said.
Mixing wild prints and strong-hued solid colors is an Evans specialty.
Mixing prints, drawings, sketchbooks and paintings, the installation here stresses the way Kirchner's figures jump back and forth among mediums, which is interesting up to a point but also conveys the incoherence of an auction-house hanging in which everything swirls.
Suits mix plaids and prints and add vests or tunics decorated with embroideries.
When mixing prints, make sure that they have colours in common, or tone well together.
Jan Krugier Gallery 41 East 57th Street Manhattan Through March 13 This wonderfully suggestive exhibition mixes prints by the greatest printmakers of their respective centuries, Rembrandt and Picasso.
This wonderfully suggestive exhibition mixes prints by the greatest printmakers of their respective centuries.
I love mixing prints and always having one thing that sets me apart.