They are known for an eclectic mixture of styles, mixing house, rock, hiphop, punk and electro.
The Dingees were a spinoff band of the Supertones who play a sound which mixes punk, ska, and reggae, and have released three albums, the final one in 2001.
The Scooterz was a new direction musically experimenting with and mixing punk, new wave, ska, surf, industrial, and many other different genres.
The band began as a ska group but quickly transcended the genre, mixing punk, reggae, rock, swing and jazz influences.
The band are known for mixing punk, hardcore and metal and their sing along choruses.
Teddybears (formerly Teddybears STHLM) is a Swedish band formed in 1991, known for mixing pop, rock, hip-hop, electronica, reggae, punk and many other genres.
The King Khan & BBQ Show is a Canadian Garage rock duo from Montreal, Quebec who mix doo-wop and punk.
Bands began to mix metal and punk in the Seattle music scene around 1984, with much of the credit for this fusion going to The U-Men.
By mixing punk, heavy metal and good pop tunes, Nirvana altered the pop-music landscape with "Nevermind."
Modena City Ramblers are one of the more popular bands; they mix Irish, Italian, punk, reggae and many other forms of music.