Southwell was from the outset closely watched; he mixed furtively in Protestant society under the assumed name of Cotton.
Dorcas was carefully mixing water into the meal under Chloe's watchful eye when they both heard the bubble-bubble of excited voices.
Harvey continues to mix about eight to twelve weeks a year, partly to beta test new models under real stage conditions.
However, if both players have separate copies of the game, then players may freely mix cards from different expansions under the "tournament rules".
The interactive exhibit allows players to mix a track under the guidance of Marroquin.
Craven then became assistant editor, and he and Cunningham had to mix under conditions of no money.
Was the creation of Yugoslavia - mixing nations, religions and languages under one Government - a mistake?
He felt panic then as he expected to feel the metal enter him and send his blood mixing with the slippery mess under him.
At night the zones mix only under unspoken conventions.
The program allows students to focus on practical film sound design, recording and mixing under the supervision of internationally acknowledged professionals.