The house has a mixed clientele.
These activities attracted a mixed clientele and crime and violence were not uncommon.
It's a relaxed place with a mixed clientele and offers hassle-free eating for women.
"Isn't it interesting that this is a Korean-owned deli with some black employees that serves soul food to a mixed but mostly black clientele?"
He suggested Nexus, the one place on the next block, otherwise filled with private geisha and hostess clubs, that catered to a mixed young clientele.
It bills itself as 'straight friendly' and certainly entertains a mixed clientele.
Like all good hotel bars, it attracts a mixed clientele - the lone businessmen sipping Scotch and locals with their Colorado microbrews.
It has a mixed clientele - from older folk to tourists to trendy young artists - and a selection of sandwiches, cakes and giant waffles.
The restaurant attracts an army of dark-suited Japanese businessmen at lunch and a well-heeled mixed clientele at dinner.