The piece also reflects Mr. Masur's love of big mixed-media pieces from the past.
But in its own way "Games" was a forerunner of the mixed-media pieces that deluged the dance world a decade later.
Some of her mixed-media pieces look into the past, recalling historical events and characters, while others deal with recent times and personal incidents.
At the same time, there are several fascinating mixed-media pieces that give subtle three-dimensionality to predominately flat surfaces.
Ms. Weis began to make her own mixed-media pieces in 1995.
The exhibition includes prints, mixed-media pieces and photographs, with the use of paper as the sole unifying element.
Both are mixed-media pieces with video projections.
But the hourlong mixed-media piece was profoundly disappointing.
A show of mixed-media pieces, charcoal and pastels by Eli Kince.
His best offering was "Out of the Darkness," a decidedly somber mixed-media piece.