A Palestinian mob attacked the Israelis, stoned them, beat them and tried to set their truck on fire.
They climaxed in May in Caracas, Venezuela, where a mob stoned and spat upon the vice president's motorcade and threatened his life.
His father became a Protestant lecturer in England, and according to his son a Catholic mob stoned him to death.
Eventually, though, angry and fearful Londoners became tired of Lambe's special treatment, and on June 13, 1628, an unruly mob stoned him to death as he exited a theater.
Thanks to writings deemed offensive to religion and morality, Rousseau had been forced to flee France, and then Switzerland, where an angry mob had stoned his house near Neuchâtel.
Peasants and mobs representing the landowners stoned the hospital Friday and were beaten back by police when they tried to enter and kill the injured, the stations reported.
A local news report said that mobs were stoning the office buildings in Century City because they were shrines to Mammon, places that would not survive the coming cleansing.
Marshall's vote in favor of the Jay Treaty was particularly unpopular with his constituents, and when he returned home after the vote, a mob of angry citizens in Frankfort stoned him.
When the lieutenant governor came to survey the scene, a Panamanian mob stoned his car.
But now mobs of Israeli Arabs and Jews have stoned each other.