In mobile, the Android browser edged ahead of mobile Safari.
Upon first launch, Articles is nearly indistinguishable from mobile Safari.
The app is simple to use, and anyone who has used mobile Safari should have no issues.
For the mobile browsers, and mobile Safari in particular, has anyone reported a phone/tablet breakdown?
Double post due to mobile Safari lies.
A: The digital edition is accessible on mobile Safari on your iPhone, but it will be difficult to read.
Scrolling through an article isn't the smoothest experience, but you won't find any blank checkerboard patterns like the ones that constantly appear in mobile Safari.
As mentioned earlier, the toolbar at the bottom of the app is identical to the one in mobile Safari, though it does hold some pleasant surprises.
Another way to quickly find them is selecting an iTunes Store podcast link in mobile Safari.
This launches mobile Safari and brings up the podcast in question.