"Paleoindians are thought to have lived primarily as small, mobile groups of big game hunters."
In general, mobility falls with age; the most mobile being the 16 to 24-year-old age group.
The evening caught an upwardly mobile American group about midway on a career curve.
For people from less mobile social groups, the question is more one of continuity than change, however.
He needed to go in with a smaller, more mobile group.
The evidence of this site suggests highly mobile groups who moved seasonally over the landscapes.
"But these were very fast moving mobile groups and by the time we got baton rounds there this groups would have moved away."
They are fighting in highly mobile small groups, pulling out and dispersing when the battles get too heavy.
It was clear from the beginning that the mobile groups would do only limited damage.
During the first 40 years, the raids were conducted by small, mobile Viking groups.