The clocks are set by pressing a mode button and entering the month, date and year of the awaited occasion.
The remote control has 7 action buttons, an 8-way directional pad, and 2 mode buttons.
It features 10 dual mode programmable buttons and anti-ghosting key architecture.
Pressing the mode buttons together allows the user to compare the modified patch to the original.
They removed the mode button that was on the TTM 56.
We found this double-duty very innovative--a press of the mode button not only controls track selection and volume, but navigates the iPod's on-screen menus.
Pressing the mode button activates the tuner, which emits a standard 440-hertz reference pitch from a small speaker.
D-Mode throttle control is controlled by the rider through a forward mode button near the throttle.
The mode button in the middle is like a miniature mouse.