I was interested in history, and enjoyed writing essays, consciously modelling my style on Buchan's.
Modeling her free-form style of dance and costume after Greek classicism, she rapidly acquires international acclaim.
From then on, he modeled his style after Lemieux, who blends size and strength in a finesse game of skating, passing and shooting.
Coming under the then powerful influence of the Eclectics, he studied with the Carracci and modelled his style on theirs.
He reputedly modeled his style of play on Akiba Rubinstein's and only played 1.
He has acknowledged numerous times that he consciously attempted to model his playing style on Tendulkar's in his youth.
He modelled his reviewing style on that of Bernard Shaw's musical reviews of the late 19th century.
The Backstreet Boys can vocalize better than any of their peers, and each has his own style, albeit heavily modeled after various heroes.
He modelled his style of composition after Tchaikovsky.
Although Lindros modeled his style after Messier's, he is 12 years younger.