Crick tried to get Wilkins to continue with additional molecular modeling efforts, but Wilkins did not take this approach.
During 1952, Franklin also refused to participate in molecular modeling efforts and continued to work on step-by-step detailed analysis of her x-ray diffraction data (Patterson synthesis).
This makes the spectral properties of the implemented LES filter very important to subgrid modeling efforts.
Further physical modeling efforts allowed for the development and validation of an infiltration model by researchers at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL).
This modeling effort achieved through computational linguistics what would have otherwise been impossible.
The first modeling effort to define the cochlear amplifier was a simple augmentation of Georg von Békésy's passive traveling wave with an active component.
This journal includes 22 technical articles summarizing scientific and related modeling efforts for Cannonsville Reservoir.
Such questions motivated the modeling efforts of Watson and Crick.
Another PSD regional modeling effort is aimed at diagnosing and predicting air flows in constrained valley regions to assess pollution transport.
The case was taken up by the World Bank's Inspection Panel, which contracted two independent three-dimensional modeling efforts in 2006.