All of its regulations and training procedures were modeled along navy lines.
Modeled along the idea of the family, students, faculty and staff live and work together in a community environment.
Modelled along classic Turkish lines, it took 18 years to build (1830-48) although the domes later had to be rebuilt.
Its current facade and tower is modeled somewhat along colonial lines, with Doric columns.
"Wouldn't you say that our public-housing projects are modeled along the lines of the apartment complexes you've been touting?"
Instead of being a direct government agency, it was modelled along business lines into a government-owned corporation called Transnet.
The pattern of community life in the largest, down to the smallest residence, is modelled along the same principles and pattern.
This literary environment modeled him along the same lines, and he wrote his first Urdu couplet when he was just 8.
Mr. Horne's book is modeled along similar lines.
The Terra was modelled along republican lines and was composed of autonomous communes.