Balatonboglár: full-bodied whites and reds with moderate acidity.
These contaminants and other chemicals are primarily alkaline in nature and the skin's moderate acidity helps to neutralize their chemical effects.
According to wine expert Oz Clarke, the grape has moderate acidity with high alcohol potential and often contributes a deep yellow color to the wine.
The wine's moderate acidity and light, crisp flavors pair well with the delicate flavors of some fish.
When fully ripened, Montepulciano can produce deeply colored wines, with moderate acidity and noticeable extract and alcohol levels.
Here it is used to produce mostly dry rosés characterized by moderate acidity and alcohol levels.
One of the most popular wines in Friuli itself is tocai friulano, a fruity but subtle white wine with moderate acidity and a long finish.
Clearly these reactions must be performed under a dry, inert atmosphere, avoiding protic solvents or compounds of even moderate acidity.
The wine is often characterized by moderate acidity and soft tannins.
Both those wines had a bouquet of apples and tropical fruit, moderate acidity and a light citrusy taste.