The choice underscored Republicans' desire to show a moderate face on two issues that have emerged as immensely popular with voters.
With so many of his opinions already on record, it becomes difficult for him to pivot and present a more moderate face.
While it may not have had an effect on the economy, similar plans gave Social Security a more moderate face.
The channel aims to discourage extremism and promote the moderate face of Islam.
Party leaders, trying to put a moderate face on the convention, said here that platforms don't matter.
Mr. Dole is trying to put a moderate face on a campaign that has pandered to the right.
The party is scrambling for a moderate face, but the damage is already done.
These also seek to put a more moderate face on a platform that is among the most liberal of any major party Congressional candidate.
The comments continued efforts by Mr. Netanyahu to project a moderate face.
She embodies the moderate, sensible face of Toryism, but critics would prefer her to adopt a more cutting edge with political opponents.