Raipur has a tropical wet and dry climate, temperatures remain moderate throughout the year, except from March to June, which can be extremely hot.
"These are pragmatists," said the chief of staff to one moderate from the region, who spoke on the condition of anonymity.
Runs are moderate and variable from year to year.
In this case, however, the Senate minority leader was Hugh Scott, a moderate from Pennsylvania.
Rainfall distribution is moderate from 2,500 mm to 3,000 mm annually.
The breeze was moderate from the south-east; in the cabin the glass was steady.
Temperatures are fairly moderate from late October to early February, with virtually no rainfall.
The wind today was moderate at about 7-10 knots from the southwest.
Lincoln, a moderate from a swing state, secured the Republican Party presidential nomination in 1860.
Pleochroism is moderate, from pink-orange or purplish pink to pinkish purple.