"Overlooks From West to East," a moderate hike to reflect on the past year.
I knew the Catskills somewhat - I lived smack in the middle of them briefly years ago - but had taken only a few moderate hikes.
The moderate 2km hike to the summit rewards climbers with views as far as Xochimilco - at least when smog levels are low.
There is a moderate hike to reach the waterfall, which is located in the Talamancan montane forests.
The first portion is a fairly moderate hike, up to the Cascade Amphitheatre.
This trail is not only easy to get to, but it provides a relatively moderate hike to some of the best views in the Huachucas.
For experienced mountaineers, guides are not required for the normal route, as it is a moderate hike and orientation is not a problem.
Accessing the north summit, at 2056 metres altitude, is a moderate but steep hike up.
Saturday, 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. Fall foliage moderate three-mile hike.
In summer, the summit and the refuge can be reached by a moderate hike.