There is a danger that despite the Republicans' record of blockading well-qualified, moderate judicial nominees during the Clinton administration, Democrats in the Senate will become tired of being called obstructionist and give way.
Republicans could make better use of their energies by selecting more moderate judicial nominees who could command support across the political spectrum.
More moderate nominees were available, but Mr. Kriel, a party warhorse, got the call to lead the Afrikaners' last stand here.
Banks played a key role in 1856 in bringing forward John C. Frémont as a moderate Republican presidential nominee.
The change may be felt most immediately in judicial nominations, with Democrats predicting that the White House will be forced to propose more moderate nominees if it hopes to avert a deadlock.
Senate Democrats can show that they understood this message by rejecting Judge Southwick and insisting on a more moderate nominee, who will respect the rights of all.
Going With His Instincts Some officials within the Administration have argued that since Judge Bork was so soundly defeated, the President should pick a more moderate nominee this time.
But in the end, they said, the New Hampshire judge persuaded them in three days of hearings that he was fair-minded and probably the most moderate nominee they could expect from President Bush.
It was widely criticized for supposedly alienating liberal and centrist voters who might otherwise have voted for the moderate nominee, George H. W. Bush.
Is the president going to be criticized for not sending a more moderate nominee, somebody who can be accepted?