Technically it's not a diet but rather an assortment of strategies geared to help dieters eat moderate portions and maintain an active lifestyle.
The idea is to eat moderate portions from the beneficial and neutral lists and steer clear of items on the taboo list.
Better yet, eat moderate portions of healthy food and go for a walk.
Everything here - including the moderate portions - has a French aura.
Another trick is to use smaller plates so that moderate portions do not appear smaller.
In most cases, moderate portions of a balanced diet, combined with daily exercise, is a simple, straightforward approach to maintaining a healthy weight.
You eat three meals a day of moderate portions, and you can have snacks such as fruit and nuts, although fruit should be eaten by itself.
All came in moderate, sensible-size portions.
The moderate portions almost guarantee that you will be eager for dessert.
Men leave their riches, either to their kindred, or to the public; and moderate portions, prosper best in both.