Some churches are taking a moderate stand on drinking.
They hold moderate stands on issues.
"How can you ask the Arabs to take such measures before Israel accepts the peace initiative, or at least adopts a moderate, reasonable stand?"
Through it all, however, he has tended to favor a strong national defense and has taken a relatively moderate stand on civil rights.
Despite his moderate stand, Sangala was arrested for his activities more than once in the 1950s.
"Wisconsin is a liberal state taking a moderate stand on abortion."
But in recent years, she has taken increasingly moderate stands on social issues like education, juvenile justice and abortion rights.
Romney ran as a successful entrepreneur and Washington outsider with a strong family image and moderate stands on social issues.
The actor complained that even though he took fairly moderate stands on most issues, in Hollywood he was thought of as a political Neanderthal.
Both candidates are racing to the center by highlighting their more moderate stands.