Yet New Jersey does not have an effective program to encourage home ownership among moderate-income residents, the report concludes.
He said that in his next term he would strive to do more to create housing for low- and moderate-income residents.
Allows developers to avoid local zoning limits if they agree to reserve some of their projects for moderate-income residents.
About 25 percent of the units must be set aside for moderate-income residents to meet this requirement.
The squeeze on middle and moderate-income residents has been unrelenting, especially in recent years.
The moderate-income resident whose assets ran down would therefore be covered over time, keeping the development financially viable.
"Our best hope lies with the construction of new apartments for moderate-income residents, and that doesn't seem to be happening."
Also, Forest City recently promised to pursue the development of an additional 600 to 1,000 apartments for low- to moderate-income residents.
The organization wanted the information for a report on the effects of budget cuts on the amount of housing available to low- and moderate-income residents.
Developers who are granted a higher density would have to set aside 20 percent of the additional units for moderate-income residents.