The rest is within the scope of any moderately competent underwater operator.
With staff costs amounting to about 70 per cent of the annual budget, any moderately competent company would at least ask whether this proportion was justified.
The eyes widening in a gaze of shocked incredulity, the opened mouth would have been within the compass of any moderately competent actor.
That girl would have been a moderately competent poet--if she'd lived.
Even the largest American division has only a handful of moderately competent Arabic speakers, which could be a problem if the forces went to war.
Clearly, these data show that while people appear to be moderately competent at assessing large risks, they are not very good at thinking about small risks.
Just one moderately competent lawyer, and the town would be looking for a new police chief.
It is a moderately competent, partly derivative dystopia, with some good ideas (Newspeak).
I feel moderately competent to attend to the revising, cutting, etc., before it reaches the editor.
You are a moderately competent woodworker, nothing else.