The branches form a broad, flat, moderately dense canopy.
The forest understory is moderately dense but not impenetrable to the determined explorer.
A decade or two back, this was a dirt road amongst the moderately dense jungle of this region.
Wimbledon was a perfectly normal world, lighted by a K-type sun through a moderately dense atmosphere.
The moderately dense forests are interrupted in places by ponds and muskeg.
Uneven, and moderately dense with delustering particles to dull the fiber's shine.
Despite the moderately dense population of metropolitan Hamilton, many of the ravines have been left close to their natural state.
The Volga marks the approximate northern limit of moderately dense settlement.
It seems to prefer moderately dense foliage for nesting, often near the end of drooping horizontal branches.
Richard was in a moderately dense forest, with growth around him up to three or four meters off the ground.