It has moderately short spines with wide bases and sharp tips.
The tail is moderately short and does not have large thorn-like structures called dermal denticles that are normally found on skates.
They were short-legged and mostly large headed, with moderately short to long tails.
The body is stout and the legs are moderately short.
The pectoral fins are moderately short, narrow, and falcate (sickle-shaped).
This species has a slender body and a moderately short, flattened head with a pointed snout.
The wings and tail are long, and the beak moderately short.
The young man's hair was moderately short, as if it might be in the process of growing out from a close military or priestly cut.
As in most quadrupedal ornithischians, its neck is moderately short.
Her hair was dark, wavy, but moderately short.