"Whatever he wrote met with great acclaim," writes his modern biographer, Edgar Johnson.
They also feel that it is their duty, as modern biographers, to show whether a sexual act took place.
Ficowski doesn't have the shamelessness of the modern biographer, and he doesn't seek to violate his own admiration.
This theory is repudiated by Smith's preeminent modern biographers.
Most modern biographers of Herod doubt the massacre was a real event.
Today this is generally considered to be without foundation and is dismissed by modern biographers.
His modern biographer Richard Holmes wrote that "he remains .
His family members apparently used the spelling of "Willy" as does his modern biographer.
Regardless of these actions, modern biographers have found Boswell's biography as an important source of information.
Few historically important families can have been so fortunate in their modern biographers as the Mathers of colonial Boston.