The modern boundaries of the county place it midway along the west coast of Florida.
Canterbury Park, according to modern boundaries, is part of Ashbury.
The exact course of these roads is unknown but both are likely to have passed within the modern boundaries Sheffield.
Ten families who arrived in the area in 1829 were the first settlers within the modern boundaries of the township.
The municipality in its modern boundaries was created during the communal reforms of 1969/70.
The land once part of Northumbria at its peak is now divided by modern administrative boundaries:
Negotiations during the winter of 1886-87 and ratified in the Act of May 1, 1888, established modern boundaries.
There are also Anglican deaneries by the same names but the modern boundaries do not correspond exactly.
The town exchanged territories with adjacent towns before establishing its modern boundaries.
Only in the last couple of generations has it become a modern fixed boundary.