And beyond him- An old man sat quietly, in an immense modern chair.
Dad sits down in strange modern chair, which promptly ejects him onto the floor.
He indicated one of the store's reasonably modern chairs.
Which isn't to say that because it didn't get there first, the modern chair isn't great.
Instead he is wrestling with an expensive but ill-behaved modern chair that someone wants to ship somewhere.
Harris dropped down into a comfortable- looking, light wood, Swedish modern chair with a dark blue cushion.
"Or maybe it's taking the 60's modern chair and putting a bold classic floral on it."
Over the summer and fall, the entire lift was replaced by a more modern triple chair for the 2006-07 season.
The line, which is still made and sold by Vitra, consists of modern chairs, tables.
Sitting in a modern black-leather-and-steel chair was an old man.