One can only speculate why, until the modern epoch, sons were not moved to write overtly about their fathers.
His mature design work is a physical expression of his understanding of the modern epoch.
He recalled that French colonial expansion was becoming a modern epoch.
Through Hedeggerian phenomenology, Sutlić engaged in reflections on the modern epoch, which he frequently referred to as "the world of Work".
In the modern epoch, André Terrail revived the Tour d'Argent colors, flying them from the restaurant's roof whenever he was in town.
In early modern epoch, lords of Pedebuz became recognized as barons.
Early in the Earth's history, the Sun's output would have been only 70% as intense as it is during the modern epoch.
The theory of distribution is considered now as the calculus of the modern epoch.
It is said by English Heritage to be "universally recognised as one of the key buildings of the modern epoch."
Preservation of the Planet Surely one of the modern epoch's greatest gifts to the third millennium is a new reverence for the environment.