"For the first 62 years of the fund's modern existence the shareholders have been well served by the current system."
It is needed to place technical developments and products within the entire texture of modern social existence.
Of course, the chaos of modern existence seems to be very much the point here.
He was a stranger here, and felt an odd sense of being cut off, detached from modern existence.
Seven decades after he spoke, modern existence has transformed these places of escape.
These are confident statements of modern urban existence, and for that reason they speak to us across time more than his many bucolic backyard scenes.
The film is a philosophical exploration into the alienation and loneliness of modern existence due to technology.
Israel is a true democracy, the only such entity in the region, and has been so for its entire modern existence.
"It is the ultimate truth about human degradation in modern existence."
Kurzweil saw a writer's response to the "void" of modern existence as his most fundamental characteristic.