They revealed how much had been left outside the modern framework.
Spring framework lacks certain features which more modern frameworks take for granted.
In any case, why does one need traditional grammar to analyse such literary language of the past, if a modern framework can do the job better?
Many modern frameworks use a convention over configuration approach.
His vision of war thus veered toward a modern framework within which civilian property and morale became legitimate targets.
But business leaders have welcomed Cambodia's entry as helping guide the country to the creation of a modern legal framework for commerce.
The program has been of notable importance in drawing together multi-party support of a modern legal framework.
Establishment of a modern institutional framework conducive to an advanced capitalist economy took time, but was completed by the 1890s.
A modern competitive framework requires a re-examination of the concept of flexibility.
The sector also prides itself of having a modern and effective regulatory framework, including an innovative subsidy to water demand by the poor.